6 Statistics That Suggest the World Needs More Elder Abuse Attorneys
Elder abuse takes many forms, including financial, physical, and emotional abuse and neglect. We must protect those who suffer from these horrendous and dangerous acts and errors of omissions. In the abstract, nearly everyone agrees with that proposition. Frustratingly, though, few people understand the scope and scale of abuse and neglect perpetrated on our nation’s seniors. As a result, creating and enforcing policies to protect their welfare can be quite a challenge.
Furthermore, elders who lose mental acuity may feel embarrassed about their lapses or afraid that their caregivers will withdraw support or intensify the abuse/neglect if they report the behavior. Our older loved ones should be able to live their lives in peace without fear of violence. Below are seven staggering statistics that explain why we need more elder abuse attorneys.
- In 2010, the number of people aged 65 and older peaked in the United States at 40.3 million—13% of the population. The aging of generation, the Baby Boomers, will affect the country for decades, influencing everything from the future of benefits programs, like Social Security and Medicaid, to the demographics and financial futures of subsequent generations, like Gen-Exers and Millennials.
- By the year 2050, people 65 and over will comprise 20% of the total U.S. population. The fastest growing segment of the population will be those who are 85 and up! That’s a truly staggering number with profound implications. How will we collectively pay for the care of these super-seniors? What can we do to ensure their well being and tap their creative energies and wisdom to benefit the rest of the country?
- Abused elders die at a 300% higher rate than those who live peacefully. They also have higher rates of health issues, like bone degeneration and heart disease.
- According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, on average, 2,150,000 cases of elderly abuse occur every year.
- 91% of nursing homes lack adequate staff to properly care for patients. Even staffers with the best of intentions may struggle to provide adequate care.
- 36% of nursing homes violated elder abuse laws, according to independent research, which also found that over one-third of all nursing homes fail their duty to protect the elderly.
Be Vigilant for Your Loved Ones – Contact an Experienced Elder Abuse Attorney
Crimes against the elderly are particularly grievous, and as the population ages, we will need to be ever more vigilant. If you suspect that someone you love has suffered physical or emotional violence whether at a senior living center or nursing home, or you have detailed questions about how to pursue a claim or go to litigation against an abusive or negligent party, don’t be silent. Call our experienced, skilled and compassionate lawyers for insight. We can’t undo the damage that’s already been done, but we can advocate aggressively for your loved one’s rights and for fair compensation for what’s happened.