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Bike Accidents in California on the Increase

Bike Accidents in California on the Increase

Motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable drivers on the road. Even riders who wear appropriate clothing and helmets have little standing between them and the pavement–just one slipup by another driver can spell disaster.  Nationally, motorcyclists are getting into fewer and fewer bad collisions: 6.4% fewer people died in a motorcycle accident in 2013 than in 2012. Unfortunately, California is bucking that encouraging trend. Motorcycle fatalities in California actually increased by 1.4% from 2012-2013, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety. If you or a loved one has been hurt or died in a motorcycle accident, you will need the help of an experienced California bike accident lawyer.

How Motorcycle Accidents Are Caused

Why are so many motorcycle accidents happening in California? One factor might be the climate; California’s year-round sunshine means that people spend more time on their bikes. More miles logged on a motorcycle simply means a greater chance of getting into an accident of some sort. In the majority of injury cases, the accident is not the fault of the motorcycle rider.

California bike accidents occur under various situations, including:

  • Drivers failing to spot motorcycle riders. This is an issue particularly when cars are switching lanes or making turns at intersections. If drivers don’t carefully check all their blind spots, they can miss seeing a rider much more easily than another car.
  • Poor weather conditions. On the rare occasions that California roads are slick with rain, drivers tend to underestimate how the caution with which they must drive.
  • Ignoring rules of the road. When drivers fail to signal their turns, drive over the speed limit, or fail to yield, they put motorcyclists (and everyone else) at risk.
  • Driving under the influence of controlled substances. Impaired drivers cannot process visual cues properly, nor can they react quickly to a hazard on the road. This becomes all the more dangerous when motorcycles are concerned, as they are often less visible due to the smaller profile.

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, make sure to document as much as you can about the accident, if you are able. Many are so seriously injured that this is not possible. In a minor accident, take photos of the vehicles involved, record any medical treatment you receive, and exchange information with others involved in the accident. Immediately get in touch with an experienced California motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.

The Law Offices of Andrew Ritholz have more than 30 years’ experience working with clients like you. We can help you file your claim, and fight for fair compensation on your behalf. Contact us for a free case evaluation. You pay no fees until you recover compensation, so you can only benefit from discussing your options.

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