What Is Defensive Driving and How Can It Help Me?
As a driver, you may have come across the term defensive driving, but you might be unsure of what exactly it is. Some drivers confuse the term with the type of driving course that many inexperienced drivers take, while other drivers believe the term pertains to a style of driving. In truth, defensive driving is both of these things. Even though a defensive driving course can be helpful for certain drivers, defensive driving as a driving technique is something that every driver should be aware of in order to avoid a car accident.
What Is Defensive Driving?
Driving defensively is a specific method of driving that uses safe driving strategies in order to address identified hazards in a more predictable manner. Defensive driving includes:
– Looking ahead of the car directly in front of you and expecting the unexpected
– Controlling your speed and always being conscious of the speed limit
– Maintaining a safe following distance
– Proper preparation for the reactions of other surrounding drivers
– Driving especially safe during varying weather and/or road conditions
– Being constantly alert and distraction free
– Respecting other drivers
Additionally, you may take a defensive driving course at any nearby traffic school. You can take these courses voluntarily, or they could be issued to you as part of a repercussion from a traffic violation.
Being mindful of defensive driving strategies is very important. Most car accidents occur as a result of distracted driving or reckless driving, and both of these can be avoided by driving in a defensive manner. Defensive driving is crucial for any motorist, including motorcycle and bicycle riders. Contact the law offices of Andrew Ritholz today if you have suffered injuries from a car or motorcycle accident and are seeking justice.